DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomServer Object
DicomServer Object Members
Public Methods
Accept incoming DICOM association via IStream
Opens a 'listening' TCP port for incoming DICOM Connections
Listen for secure (TLS) incoming assocations
Listen on a specific IP address
Creates a new DicomConnection automation object
Closes a 'listening' TCP port
Stop listening on a specific IP address
Public Properties
Default status to be returned if event not captured
Describes the nature of an automation object
General Purpose Tag
fired when transmission of requests on a DicomConnection object is complete
fired when intermediate responses are received from the remote application
fired when an incoming association is closed
fired when the server receives a DICOM association request
fired when an incoming N-EVENT-REPORT notification is received
Passes information back to the container for error messages and notifications originating from the DICOM interface
fired whene an incoming C-STORE operation is received
Fires when a logging line is logged
fired when an incoming request for a normalised operation is received
fired when Pixel data is received, allowing direct to disk receiving to be triggered
fired when an incoming Query request is received
fired when an incoming C-ECHO request is received
See Also