DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomImages Collection / MakeMultiFrame Method
Controls whether the collection is emptied during use
MakeMultiFrame Method
Constructs a multi-frame image
Visual Basic
Public Function MakeMultiFrame( _
   ByVal Remove As Boolean _
) As DicomImage
Controls whether the collection is emptied during use
Constructs a single multi-frame image from a series of identically-sized single frame images, which have been collected into a DicomImages collection.  If the argument is true, the images are removed from the collection as they are added to the new object.  Apart from the pixel data, all information is copied from the first image only.
Note that the newly created multi-frame image may need some modifications, as DicomObjects has no knowledge of the relationship between frames.  By default, attributes 0028,0009 & 0018,1063 are set to give a constant 10 frames per second.  These may need to be removed/changed.
See Also