DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomLicense Object / AllowedFunctions Property
AllowedFunctions Property
Functions Allowed by this license
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property AllowedFunctions As Integer
0 None No functions allowed
1 Viewer Allows use of the DicomViewer control
2 Read Allows reading and importing of images
4 Write Allows writing and exporting of images
8 Initiator Allows associations to be intiated
16 Acceptor Allows listening for and accepting new associations
32 QuerySCP Allows use as a Query/Retrieve SCP
64 NormalisedSCP Allows use as an SCP for normalised services
128 Allow 3D Allow use of 3D features
If returned value is 255 it includes all the functions as it is the total of all the bit flags shown above
See Also