DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / doShadowType Enumeration
doShadowType Enumeration
Control the shadowing of DicomLabel Objects
doShadowAll255All 8 directions - a wide shadow
doShadowBottom32Draw the shadow one pixel below the main label
doShadowBottomLeft64Draw the shadow one pixel to the left and one pixel down from the main label
doShadowBottomRight16Draw the shadow one pixel to the right and one pixel down from the main label
doShadowLeft128Draw the shadow one pixel to the left of the main label
doShadowNone0No shadowing (default)
doShadowRight8Draw the shadow one pixel to the right of the main label
doShadowTop2Draw the shadow one pixel above the main label
doShadowTopLeft1Draw the shadow one pixel to the left and one pixel up from the main label
doShadowTopRight4Draw the shadow one pixel to the right and one pixel up from the main label

This is used in the label's Shadow Property

Each of the 8 main values represents one direction of shadowing, and they may be combined (by addition) as required.