DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomLabel Object / ROIStandardDeviation Property
ROIStandardDeviation Property
ROI's standard deviation
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property ROIStandardDeviation As Single

ROIMean returns the mean value of the pixels in the ROI
ROIStandardDeviation returns the standard deviation of the values of the pixels in the ROI
ROIMin & ROIMax return the minimum and maximum values of the pixels in the ROI

For the above properties, where rescale parameters are used (e.g. for CT) they are applied to the pixel values automatically before the statistical values are calculated.

ROIArea returns the area of the ROI.

Where pixel dimensions for the whole image are present within the image data, these are used to scale the area appropriately, but at present multiple region calibration areas (e.g. in U/S images) are not currently supported.  The units used (which for un calibrated data may simply be pixels) is returned by ROIDistanceUnits (for this property, they should be interpreted as square units of course)

All these properties may only be used for DicomLabels of type Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon or Bitmap.

See Also