DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomQuery Object / DoRawQuery Method
A DataSet containing ALL the data elements necessary for a C-FIND request, including both those to be matched, and those required to be returned.
DoRawQuery Method
Send a flexible C_FIND query request to a DICOM server, and return the results
Visual Basic
Public Function DoRawQuery( _
   ByVal QueryDataSet As DicomDataSet _
) As DicomDataSets
A DataSet containing ALL the data elements necessary for a C-FIND request, including both those to be matched, and those required to be returned.

This method is intended for advanced users, requiring more control over the query than can be achieved using the query object’s standard properties, and methods.  Note that even the QueryLevel value, must be included in the data set.
The returned value is an object of type DicomDataSets, containing one DicomDataSet for each successful match.  An unsuccessful search produces no error, but the Count property of the returned DicomDataSets objects will be zero.

This method MUST be used (rather than DoQuery) if QueryRoot is set to “WORKLIST” or “GP-WORKLIST”.
In many cases, where only a small variation from a “standard” query is required, the QueryDataSet method may be used to generate a standard dataset suitable for modification and then use by this method.

See Also