DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomConnection Object / CallingAET Property
CallingAET Property
Calling Application's AET
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property CallingAET As String

These properties relate to open associations, and can be accessed at any time after the association has been made.  For “outgoing” DicomConnection objects, they refer to the outgoing association and for “incoming” DicomConnection objects such as those created automatically as part of incoming C-STORE (async), C-FIND of C-GET requests, they relate to the association received.  For C-MOVE, they continue to refer to the incoming association even once an outgoing association to carry the images has been established.

For details of the interface & port called, see LocalIP & LocalPort
Like other strings in DicomObjects, Application Entity Titles have any trailing spaces trimmed. 

See Also