Using application signing with ClickOnce deployment
If you’re planning on doing a ClickOnce deployment of your product, here are few simple instructions to include DicomObjects licence (*.lic) file within your deployment package:
1. Create a dummy “applicationname.exe.lic” placeholder and include in your solution.
2. Change the Build Action property of your \*.lic in VS to Content type.
3. Change Copy to output directory setting to Copy if newer.
4 Set your post build event as:
* 4.1 "
* 4.2 “copy “$(TargetPath).lic” “$(ProjectDir)$(TargetFileName).lic”
The first command is to generate a websigned *.lic file for your specific application with a special web-signing key starting SK-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
The second command is to copy the above generated *.lic file to the placeholder within your solution that is included in your deployment manifest file.
<!-- Sign the application executable located in app.publish folder -->
<SignFile CertificateThumbprint="$(_DeploymentResolvedManifestCertificateThumbprint)"
and '$(_DeploymentSignClickOnceManifests)'=='true'
and '$(TargetExt)' == '.exe'" TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.0" />
<!-- Run DicomObjects licence file generator after the EXE was signed (above) -->
<Exec Command="ApplicationSignerConsole.exe"
"$(ProjectDir)$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)" $(LicenseString) $(Info1) $(Info2)" />
Keep in mind that the *.lic file gets generated every time you build it as it is in your post build event.
If there are no build errors, this should include the newly generated *.lic file in your deployment package.