
  1. DicomObjects.NET
  • DicomObjects.COM
    1. 32 BIT
    • 64 BIT
  • Sensible level values for logging

DicomObjects log files are extremely important and useful for analysing DICOM network and query/retrieve problems.

There are several ways to turn on logging in DicomObjects.


Use DicomGlobal.LogToFile method in your program. This should appear in a Form Load or similar startup method.


Alternatively, without having to modify your source code, you can use the DicomObjects.Config file with the following line

  LogToFile "c:Logs", 0x3F


To turn on logging programmatically:

  Dim g As New DicomGlobal
  g.RegWord("Log") = 1	
  g.RegWord("LogLevel") = 63
  g.RegString("LogLocation") = "C:DicomLogs"

To set logging in Windows Registry

32 BIT:

To make log files set the following registry values: (both DWORDs)

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/Log=1
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/LogLevel=3F
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/LogLocation = C:DicomLogs

Logs should then appear as D.O.xxxxx.log in C:DicomLogs folder.

64 BIT:

Slightly different location in the registry for 64 bit Machines

To make log files set the following registry values: (both DWORDs)

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/Log=1
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/LogLevel=3F
  • HKEY LOCAL MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/LogLocation = C:DicomLogs

Logs should then appear as D.O.xxxxx.log in C:DicomLogs

Sensible level values for logging

  • 0x7 - Errors and main events only (Smallest)
  • 0x3F - Most Data (Medium)
  • 0x3FF - A full byte level log (Full log)

Once a log file is generated, you can send it to us for checking. Please use our secure upload facility on Dropbox. Your uploads will be automatically deleted once the case is closed.