Name | Description | |
BestLicence | Select a Licence with maximum validity and most features. Licence with most functionality will be prioritized over number of remaining days | |
CurrentLicence | The DicomLicence current in use | |
Expiry | The expiryDate date of the Licence | |
ExpiryWarningDays | Number of days before expiryDate to start issuing warnings | |
InstalledLicences | The list of currently available licences. This includes expired licences if any
The property invokes internal update of available licences, minimize calls to this property to avoid delays | |
LicenceServer | Specifies the server to be used to obtain on-line Licences This is an advanced property and is to be used with caution | |
LicenceServerCount | Specifies how many Licence servers are to be tried to obtain on-line Licences This is an advanced property and is to be used with caution | |
MachineId | A unique string to identify each machine | |
ProxyDomain | Domain to be used if the machine's web proxy requires authentication. | |
ProxyPassword | Password to be used if the machine's web proxy requires authentication. | |
ProxyUsername | Username to be used if the machine's web proxy requires authentication. | |
Source | Licence source type | |
Token | The token which activated this licence | |
Type | The type of this Licence that determines the allowed functions |