| Name | Description |
| Add | Overloaded. Creates and adds data elements to DicomDataSet |
| AddByReference | Overloaded.
Add byte[] as attribute value to avoid copying large data
| AddPixelData | Adds pixel data to DicomDataSet |
| AddToDirectory | Overloaded. Simplified DICOMDIR creation |
| ChangeCharacterSet |
Change the specific Character Set of a DICOM dataset. All applicable attributes will have its data re-encoded by
the new character set
| ChangeToDecompressed |
Simulate the effect of writing out as a Decompressed Image
| Clear |
Clear the DicomDataSet data
| ClearCaches | Overloaded. Clears all internal cache for compressed and uncompressed pixel data |
| Clone | Overloaded. Returns a copy of the DicomDataSet |
| DecompressAll | Causes all the frames of an image to be decompressed. |
| Dispose | Release the resources used by the DicomDataSet object |
| FindAttribute |
Locate an attribute within either a top level dataset, or within one of the functional group macros
| ForEachAttribute |
Recursively perform an action on every attribute within the dataset
| FrameSubSet |
Generates a new DicomDataSet as a subset of the current instance as described in supplement 119
| FunctionalGroupDataSet | Overloaded. Locate the required functional group within a DicomDataSet |
| FunctionalGroupOrRootLevelAttribute | Overloaded. Return the required DicomAttribute within a specified functional group within a DicomDataSet If DicomAttribute is not present in the specified DicomDataSet, it searches amongst the root level attributes |
| GetCacheSize | Get cache size used by DicomObjects for the image - useful to help decide when to call ClearCaches method |
| GetMinAndMax | Overloaded. Find the maximum and minimum pixel data values in the pixel data |
| GetPixelStream |
Returns the raw pixel data as a Stream object for a specific frame
| GetRawFrame |
Extract individual frame from the pixel data
| ImportPixelData |
Direct import of compressed pixel data
| IsPresentationStateFor | Overloaded. Indicates if the PresentationState is for the specified DicomImage |
| MergeBulkData |
Load Bulk data for all attributes, getting data from a method, based on the URI
| OriginalPixelData |
Method to extract Original pixel data as Array
| PixelValuesByFrameGeneric |
Returns an array of pixel values for a frame, optionally transformed via the modality transformation. Also accssible from
| PrinterImage | Creates a copy of the image for printing or other purposes |
| Read | Overloaded. Reads from a file, a system IO stream or a byte array |
| ReadJson |
Read DICOM data from a Json Stream
| ReadURL |
Reads DataSet from Web Address
| ReadXml |
Read DICOM data from an XML Stream
| Remove | Overloaded. Removes an attribute from the DataSet |
| RemovePrivateAttributes |
Remove private attributes
| Send | Overloaded. Sends a DicomDataSet to a remote DICOM application |
| SetDicomCodec |
Specify a "DICOM" codec
| SetNonDicomCodec |
Specify a non-DICOM source (e.g. AVI) as a source of frame data
| SetPixelFile |
Maps an external file as the pixel data
| SetPlanarConfiguration | Sets the planar configuration in DicomDataSet |
| SimplifyOverlays |
Decompress the data, and move any overlays which are encoded with the pixel data (a
method deprecated in DICOM many years ago) to stand-along overlay data in 60xx,3000.
| SubImage |
Creates a copy of part or all of the image with controlled size
| Validate | Validate all DicomAttributes within the DicomDataset based on its ValidationOptions |
| ValidateAll | Validate all DicomAttributes within the DicomDataset based on its ValidationOptions |
| Value | Overloaded. Returns the value of the specified Data Element |
| Write | Overloaded.
Writes the dataset to an external DICOM file, a system IO stream or a byte
array etc.
| WriteJson |
Write the DICOM data into an Json Stream
| WriteXml |
Write the DICOM data into an XML Stream