DicomObjects.NET8 Documentation
DicomObjects Namespace / DicomLabel Class
Properties Methods Events

In This Topic
    DicomLabel Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by DicomLabel.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorCreates a new blank DicomLabel object  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyA pair of coordinates (x, y) of an visible anchor point for a text label  
    Public PropertyDefines how anchor point is transformed with the image  
    Public PropertyAngle to rotate Label (Clockwise)  
    Public PropertyThe 4 edges of the SKRectI area of the DicomLabel  
    Public Property Controls the size of a text label.  
    Public Property Area that encloses the label as displayed  
    Public PropertyThe SKFont to be used for text labels  
    Public PropertyContains the fore colour of DicomLabel depending on the LabelType whether the shape or text colour This is a shortcut for Paint.Color  
    Public Property List of Frames you want to display the DicomLabel on. Empty FrameList is default value and it means display on all frames.  
    Public PropertyDefine the height of a DicomLabel (annotation) on an image  
    Public PropertyThe Image to be displayed by an Image type DicomLabel  
    Public PropertyControls the opacity of the Image label. Only applicable to Image type.

    Value ranges from 0-1 (None to Full opacity)

    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) The type of label created by DicomObjects from Presentation states  
    Public PropertyThis property controls whether the DicomLabel goes into the PresentationState or not when one of the CurrentToPresentationState methods is used.  
    Public PropertySpecify if the DicomLabel is Interpolated  
    Public Property This property decides whether or not the DicomLabel will be acting as a Shutter.  
    Public PropertyDetermines the basic type of a label  
    Public PropertyDefine the left of a DicomLabel (annotation) on an image  
    Public PropertyDefines a margin between text and it’s bounding box  
    Public Property Specify the minimum Arrow size when the labeltype is set to LabelArrow  
    Public PropertyInformation about the style and color that is used to draw the different LabelTypes  
    Public PropertyThe points of a DicomLabel (of type PolyLine or Polygon)  
    Public Property The image whose plane is used to control the placement of this image, as a line.  
    Public Property Controls the centre of rotation of a text label.  
    Public Property Controls the rotation behaviour of a label.  
    Public PropertyDefines the centre point used for label rotation (whether due to Angle or as a result of RotationMode) if the RotationCentre is set to SpecifiedPoint  
    Public Property Ruler options used if LabelType is set to Ruler  
    Public Property Controls the approximate spacing of the minor ticks for a ruler label  
    Public PropertyDetermines whether the SKFont size scales with the image  
    Public PropertyDefines a basic scale mode of DicomLabel  
    Public Property Control whether the width of a line scales with the label being drawn  
    Public PropertyControls whether a label is highlighted using a box and/or “handles”  
    Public Property Controls whether a label is displayed with a contrasting shadow, to make it more visible over image areas with the same colour.  
    Public PropertyContains the colour of the Shadow applied to the DicomLabel  
    Public PropertyDetermines whether the anchor point is shown  
    Public PropertyControls whether text boxes have a visible border  
    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)A Static SKFont collection. Users can define and add their list of SKFonts and choose which to apply to each DicomLabel object using DicomLabel's SKFontIndex property.  
    Public Property Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins used by SkiaSharp  
    Public Property Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise used by SkiaSharp  
    Public PropertyA general purpose Tag for developer use  
    Public PropertyThe text to be displayed by a text type DicomLabel  
    Public PropertyDefine the top of a DicomLabel (annotation) on an image  
    Public PropertyControls whether a DicomLabel object is displayed  
    Public PropertyDefine the width of a DicomLabel (annotation) on an image  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Adds to point to the path used for a polyline or polygon type of DicomLabel  
    Public MethodLimits a line to the section within a given rectangle  
    Public MethodClones the DicomLabel  
    Public MethodAllows control of Export of objects derived from a DicomLabel  
    Public MethodAllows control of Import of objects derived from a DicomLabel  
    Public MethodReturns the maximum values of the pixels in the ROI  
    Public MethodReturns the mean value of the pixels in the ROI  
    Public MethodReturns the minimum values of the pixels in the ROI  
    Public MethodThe list of points within the label  
    Public MethodReturns the standard deviation of the values of the pixels in the ROI  
    Public MethodThe values within a DicomLabel, interpreted as a region of interest  
    Public Method Returns the line angle of the DicomLabel. Image Pixel Aspect Ratio is automatically taken into account.  
    Public MethodMakes a bitmap label by thresholding an existing label  
    Public MethodAdjusts the position, size etc. of the label  
    Public MethodForce display update for this label  
    Public Events
    Public EventEvent fired when the properties of a label are changed.  
    Public Event Event fires when a new DicomLabel is created when a Presentation State is applied to an image. This event gives users a chance to customise the label before display  
    See Also