DicomObjects.NET.8.48 Documentation
DicomObjects Namespace / DicomGlobal Class / DirectionStrings Property

    DirectionStrings Property
    Language specific indicators for anatomic labelling
    Public Shared Property DirectionStrings As System.String()
    Dim value() As System.String
    DicomGlobal.DirectionStrings = value
    value = DicomGlobal.DirectionStrings

    This property supplies the strings used by all DicomLabels of type LabelType Special. The default value is{"R","L","A","P","I","S"} corresponding to the English abbreviations for RIGHT, LEFT, ANTERIOR, POSTERIOR, INFERIOR and SUPERIOR respectively. If you wish to to change this value, please note the following:

    • Exactly 6 values are required (otherwise you will get error message), in the order indicated above.
    • Unicode is fully supported allowing Chinese or other non-western direction indicators.

    Target Platforms: .NET CLR 4.8 or higher

    See Also