A conformance statement is a detailed description, in a specific format (as defined in Part 2 of DICOM) of the DICOM-specific features of a particular product.
The Standard DICOM DateTime Format The standard DateTime format (YYYYMMDD) is explained in Table 6.
DICOM IOCM Image Object Change Management (IOCM) is a relatively new service in DICOM which uses (some would say, abuses) KOS object to provide a controlled mechanism for requesting the deletion of images from an archive.
The ROOT is the overall data model, and there are two main roots in DICOM, STUDY and PATIENT.
There are strict rules for UID formatting and usage. If these are not followed, then some modality equipment may refuse to accept MWL results containing invalid UIDs. Some of the systems are known to filter out requests for faulty UIDs.
An Application Entity (AE) is the name used in DICOM to represent a system or program running on a system which is the end-point of DICOM communications.